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About Colon Hydrotherapy
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Today’s way of living can overburden our colons and as a result our waste isn’t managed efficiently. Over time waste, toxins and gases build up, contributing to a multitude of symptoms and conditions. Cleaning the colon regularly can benefit the whole body and give you a greater sense of wellbeing. There are no hidden side effects from having a colonic and from the first session the vast majority of clients are able to feel a difference and start to take control of their own health.

What happens during a colonic treatment?
During a session you will relax on a treatment table while water is introduced into the body under controlled, gentle pressure by a fully trained therapist. This safely flushes out built up waste, toxins and gases, rehydrates the body and also tones and exercises the muscles of the colon, training them to work more efficiently and effectively. There is no offensive odour and the therapist will ensure you are comfortable at all times.

How often should I have a colonic?
There are no set rules about how often you can have a colonic - or how many to have. Just as it takes time to build up the toxins and waste, so it might also take time to fully reverse the process, so regularly cleansing the colon can lead you to better health and vitality.

How do I prepare for a colonic?
Before your colonic we recommend that you don’t have a large meal as having a full stomach can make the treatment feel uncomfortable. Please download the health questionnaire by following the link here and bring the completed form with you to your first session
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